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PIP Expert Liz Jones 


I’m Liz, let me tell you a little bit about me!

So I started my career at the age of 19 working in the care sector of elderly residential care. I was made redundant 16 years later and decided I wanted to do something different!

I was amazed when I got a job with Rethink Mental Illness, a leading mental health charity fighting the stigma around Mental Health. I got the job with no official qualifications but lived experience. I was a Recovery Worker in the community, supporting people with mild to moderate mental health illnesses. This was the best eye-opener for me on a personal level, I learnt so much about myself and how to manage my mental health.

A few years later I wanted another change, so off I went to work as a Homelessness project officer, working with people who were street homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. I loved this job, some of the most amazing people I ever met had absolutely nothing including a roof over their heads.

I suffered some extremely challenging times personally during this period that completely changed my life. I moved 300 miles away from the people I loved the most out of safety for my own life and the support I required.

I was experiencing the criminal justice system for the first as a survivor, and let me tell you it was not a pleasant 5 years! Which leads me to where I am today!


I never thought I’d be in the position I am, and am having to adjust, accept and process the huge changes takes time. I am no longer able to work full time in a regular 9-5 due to newly diagnosed health conditions. However, I will never stop finding a way to help others, it is in my DNA. I am here to help anyone I can, who is vulnerable, disabled and /or alone to navigate the system that is Personal Independence Payment disability benefit.

My values are so important to me, I cannot bear injustice, discrimination or disrespect. So I will always fight for what is rightfully deserved. ☺️

Liz is going to be our PIP expert, filling in forms and teaching us about PIP. Watch her TikTok on disability awareness, fill out the PIP forms, and learn what to expect for PIP interviews. 

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